Clip DescriptionA beautiful and classy hit-woman picks up her mark in a club late night, early morning and the two have breakfast then head back to her mark's place. When they arrive the blonde experimental lesbian target makes them drinks and sits down next to the killer, who she thinks is just a hot chick that wants to make out with her. The hit-woman is very sweet and classy, wearing a sexy black dress and high heels. The slutty blonde sits closer to the killer and takes off her shirt, then her bra making the excuse she is warm. They smile and laugh, making small talk and caressing each other when the blonde asks her what she does for work. The killer is reluctant to answer her but lets her in on her profession. When the blonde is fascinated instead of turned off, it turns into twenty questions which she answers by showing her the gun, then the gloves, then the silencer, screwing it on so she sees the process, all the while not knowing she is the one going to die. The hit-woman is eloquent in her explanation of the profession, but she wants to get on with the job as she enjoys herself. She asks the clueless slutty blonde to do a sexy strip tease and dance for her. The blonde provides a nice dance and her sexy little body moves well as she flirts with the hit-woman as she explains that she is indeed on a job right then and explains the details a bit more clear. The blonde's eyes shift a bit but in a second she puts the pieces together and realizes the woman is there to kill her. She pleads for a moment and tries to get the killer to take money instead, but she is not interested and she pops the little slut in the right breast with the silenced pistol, popping a nice hole in her tit which immediately starts to trickle blood. It knocks the gal back but she keeps on her feet and clutches her wound. As she looks down grunting and wailing that it is painful, then grimacing a bit more as she pleads with the assassin to let her live. The hit-woman continues her plot, letting her suffer a bit per the customer's request and pops her in the left shoulder which knocks her to the floor on her back. She is laying back bleeding from two wounds, hurting, trying to get up to sitting but the killer stands up and walks to her slowly as she begs for her life. The killer smiles and let's her know that the person who put a hit on her paid well for her to suffer, but that he is next on the list so she will let him know, or the blonde can in hell. The sexy killer in black stands over her target as she pleads for her life. The assassin is still cold blooded and as the mark is trying to talk her way out, thwerp, one to the dome that knocks her back to the floor eyes wide and dead. Her body twitches just a couple of times before it is still, with 3 bullet holes leaking blood, eyes wide open, mouth ajar, looking sexy. The body is viewed and panned many times as the killer grabs her bag, unscrews the suppressor, removes her black cop gloves, and heads to the door. She kicks the body lightly a couple times just to haze her even after she is dead. She leaves and the sexy blonde's body is seen from every angle.
Starring: Shy Toker, Genetica
Keywords: Shooting, Silenced pistol, Hit-woman
Clip Duration: 17 minutes |
Format | Size | mp4 | 962.9 MB |
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